Many athletes know what is meant by "mind muscle connection". So,what is it?
It's the ability to use your mind to connect with the muscle you are training and to actually visualize the motion, the tension, the growth and /or power you need to push yourself to another level. It’s the ability to subconsciously connect with your body through the nervous system and make the body or muscle believe it is capable of more.
As a Wellness Practitioner I've never doubted this ability within any individual, athlete or not. I believe every one of us posses an extraordinary energy and power deep within us. A power that takes us beyond limiting patterns of body and mind into a place where possibilities become reality, and our capacity of life becomes larger.
Recently, I've been blessed to experience this first hand and would like to share my story.
I've had hypothyroid for about eleven years. When I was first diagnosed I was actually hyperthyroid and had what is known as a goiter. Goiters are caused when you have an excess of thyroid hormone pumping throughout your body. At the time my option to rid myself of this enlargement in my throat was through radioactive iodine. Once treated I slowly became Hypothyroid and began the typical treatment for hypothyroid. Over the years I've taken full responsibility for my condition and have researched and educated myself on symptoms, medications, etc. I've tried different types of medications (synthetic to natural) and have been able to identify, using my bodies own awareness along with annual blood tests what my appropriate levels are and should be.
I've been training now for a year and a half to compete in my first figure competition. The training is tough and consistent as is the diet. So, I need every last bit of hormone my body should be supplying. I discovered recently some strangely adverse symptoms such as severe muscle cramps, hair loss, dizzy spells, and headaches to name a few so during my last visit to the doc had my levels checked once more. Prior to this, my levels hadn't been evaluated for a year. At that time my doctors office had informed me they were normal. They goofed.
When the tests came back, sure enough my levels were so far off I'm surprised I was even able to carry on conversations let alone get out of bed. I cant say I was really that surprised by the odd symptoms I'd described above because I knew my body so well that I knew these things were not normal. What did surprise me however was how I was able to do everything I'd been able to do the year prior, including putting on muscle and maintaining a consistent training regimen along with a standard eight hour work day, five days a week AND school! How the heck was all this possible????? I'll tell you how.
During this time, my mind was ALWAYS focused on the prize. During this year I was not only using visualization techniques to keep my focus but I was meditating, doing hypnotherapy and maintaining a positive attitude. For anyone who's struggled with hormone issues, you know the pain and frustration associated with this. It's totally out of your control. Or is it?
I am now closely monitoring my levels to get them to where they need to be but in the meantime will continue to supplement with hypno, meditation and visualization. It's only making me stronger. I don't condone anyone dismissing medication if it's needed for health but hope my story goes to show that when we learn to connect our mind and our body, we can achieve results that catapult us into another level.
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches". - Napoleon Hill